We’ve gotta hand it to Ronnie Wetch and his crew. A parking garage is – without a doubt – a highly unlikely spot for a truck show. But with the willpower and forward thinking of his compadres and confidants, Sam Castronova and Mike Millan, by golly, they turned it into a totally gnarly spot. And, truth be told, the shade of a parking structure was a blessing and welcome relief from the blazing April Phoenix sun at the inaugural ‘22 Reunion Truck Show.
With LMC Truck as the title sponsor, and co-sponsors AccuAir and US Mags on board, the foundation was laid and things fell into shape. The Phoenix area has some of the C10 community’s most notable builders and manufacturers, and a big chunk of them were on hand for the event. In fact, 32 vendors were in attendance, including Fat Fender, Switch Suspension, Chevy Only, C10 Nation, Tre 5 Customs, AZ Pro Performance, GSI, Arizona High Test, and Big 10 Garage, to name a few.
As folks were rolling into the venue, 55 “Top Trucks” were selected for the “Top Deck,” and they were all sent to the top and given a customized vintage record to symbolize being chosen for one of the coveted spots. At the awards ceremony, the winners were presented legit vintage trophies dating back to every era from the 60’s through the 90’s. Here’s to hoping that Zack Morris can take a timeout to call the big winners on his giant cell phone at next year’s event. Fingers crossed.
The Friday night pre-party set the stage for the weekend. There was a gathering at a local open bar called the QuartHaus – with 10 trucks being allowed in and parking in the ‘QuartYard’. Let’s just say if you missed it this year, keep your eyes open for the ‘23 event date release and get ready to put pencil to calendar.
reuniontruckshow.com instagram: reuniontruckshow