The Goodguys Summit Racing Nationals presented by PPG is our hometown event in Columbus, Ohio. As an older geezer, I can proudly lay claim to attending this show for the last 2-1/2 decades. Give or take a couple years, I’ve been present and accounted for in some for or another.Â
At 5,500 cars, not only is this the biggest of Goodguys shows on their schedule, it’s fair to say it’s also the biggest party spot on their schedule, as well. With that many enthusiasts in town, the automotive nightlife is as impressive as the daylight goings-on. The local Quaker Steak & Lube restaurant not only has 72 varieties of heart-stopping chicken wings, but they also have a dedicated burnout lane open for those looking to sacrifice a pair of tires to the gods of shred. Nearly all of the surrounding hotels have organized parking for hot rods, and with every corner you turn, it’s like hitting another car show. The hotel known as the central point of all activities, Columbus’ Crowne Plaza, hosts a full on hootenanny in their parking lot, resplendent with practically every dignitary and builder in the hot rod kingdom, as well as a boomer-friendly band cranking out REO Speedwagon tunes from the stage near the main entrance. Seriously, whatever your age – from 2 to 92 – there is something to do on Goodguys weekend in C-Bus.
Goodguys has recently opened their doors to vehicles up to 1998, which has added an entire element to things. Now OBS guys can roll in with their older C10 homies and enjoy the show from the inside. We noticed truck attendance was up considerably from years past and it was a welcome sight. It’s nice to see the rest of the automotive world has taken a liking to the trucks we’ve all loved for so long.
If this event is on your radar at all, move it into your bucket list. As far as I’m concerned, Goodguys Columbus is a must-see show for anyone who loves gasoline.
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