In the tranquil surroundings of Denton Farmpark, an annual spectacle unfolds, reshaping the concept of a mere truck gathering into a classic truck enthusiast’s interpretation of a spirited church revival. The narrative of this event has swiftly traversed the nation, and in just a few years, the event has grown from 200 trucks to almost 2,000 classics, rallying together for the noble cause of fundraising.
Denton Farmpark, the selected venue for this yearly truck revival, stands as a testament to the event’s grandeur. A family-owned historical park and campground, it offers a myriad of attractions for every family member. Within its grounds, a general store, grist mill, church, plantation house, blacksmith shop, log cabins, and more create an immersive experience. An honest-to-goodness steam train gracefully navigates the park on a 1.5-mile track, adding a touch of nostalgia. With over 400 campsites, Denton Farmpark’s expansive green landscape unfolds, providing acres of parking to accommodate the ever-expanding Revival.
What distinguishes this show is its democratic ethos: no registration or show fees at the C10 Fall Revival! This is a completely free, family-friendly weekend event. However, organizers encourage generous donations to support a local cause close to their hearts. In the latest iteration of this automotive congregation, nearly 2,000 classics and spirited spectators joined in the revelry, collectively raising over $28,000 for the Ronald McDonald House and an additional almost $5,000 for the Butterfly House. The grand total of $33,000, amassed in a single weekend, epitomizes an event where everyone finds a sense of belonging.
As we enthusiastically embrace the ongoing success story of the C10 Fall Revival, we invite you to mark your calendars for the next chapter, scheduled for October 18-19, 2024.
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